Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Last night at 3:30, I heard that most ominous sounding thunder I've ever heard. It growled and scratched and definitely was noticed. I leaped out of bed to check T.V. for weather announcements. I realized that the dish was getting no signal. By then the wind was blowing pretty hard and I heard our trash barrel fall over. I hurried to plug up some rabbit ears. As I finally get reception, the eerie sirens go off. So, I get Kim and the kids and head into the hallway. Luckily, there was no tornado and we were safe. What a creepy morning!

I was reminded of Matthew 7 where Jesus wraps up his Sermon on the Mount. He brings up his illustration of the wise and foolish men build there houses on different foundations and of course one of houses crumbles. Why? There was no foundation. When storms (not if) wage against us, we need to remember that our foundation must be built up. Study the Bible, go to Church, be involved, serve others. You'll stand. If you serve worldly desires, your foundation will crumble like a house of cards.


  1. When the worst of the storm had passed I let Levi get in bed with me (unusual for him) and he kept saying, "Are you sure that hunder (thunder) is outside? I think it's in this house!"

  2. The storm woke me up too. Our siren didn't go off but I was up. By the time we got to the closet it stopped raining - go figure. Woke Hannah up for nothing, but better safe than sorry!
