Saturday, February 02, 2008

Farewell, Wedding Band

I lost my wedding band. I was holding Lila and all of a sudden I realized it was missing. Not sure when or where it happened, but it happened. Luckily, it did not ruin our trip to Atlanta. My loving wife wasn't upset and said "To tell the truth, I'm surprised you kept up with it these 10 years." I'm surprised too since I've had two near loss experiences. Our first Christmas Day together I didn't realize it was off all day until I found it at home sitting on a chair. The second time, I lost it in the yard while feeding our dog.
We bought a new one with my birthday money at Wal-Mart today and I think I like this one better. It's thicker and more manly. (Kim's words).

Anyway, I didn't feel unmarried this weekend one bit. In fact, Kim and I had a wonderful weekend at Atlanta. Just the two of us, no kiddos. We stayed at a nice hotel, ate at some good places (I had an ostrich burger at Fuddruckers), and enjoyed the Georgia Aquarium. I feel refreshed! Thanks to Katie and Josh and Emily and Jared for watching out kids while we were gone!

At least I didn't lose mine on my honeymoon like my brother-in-law did....


  1. That was brother-in-law Josh--- Believe it or not-- the most unorganized of the bunch (That'd be me) has never lost his and (knock on wood) I don't ever really remember misplacing it for more than a few minutes (but I'm sure Mandi will remind me of a time I did.

  2. UPDATE: I just found the ring he was in our desk drawer.

  3. I lost my ring a few months after we were married. 5 years later, Ben was fishing in the couch, and found it. It had fallen behind the coushion, and survived being moved twice.
