Thursday, January 17, 2008

Friday Notes

Blogging has been light lately. Things haven't been busy, I just can't seemed to get inspired like I used to. Here are some highlights of the Kelsey household:

1) Snow is coming. Our reliable news channel is saying 1-3 inches in our area. It hasn't done like this since 2000. We'll see what happens, but our kids are quite excited.

2) We are supposed to have our 3rd Survivor Weekend retreat this weekend. I imagine with snowy/icy conditions that we'll have to cancel it. I've worked on a Biblical scavenger hunt again this year. Plus, Kim and I are the teachers for our two Bible classes. If we do cancel, I'm sure we'll reschedule.

Our topic comes from 2 Timothy 4:7. It is: " I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

3) The kids are all doing well. Levi turns THREE Sunday. Wow. So now I'll have a 5 year old, a 3 year old, and a 3 month year old.


  1. Have fun this weekend!! Give the kids a hug for us!

  2. I tagged you on the Five Things List.
