Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Festivities

Today began our Christmas fun. This afternoon, we met Gramps and Granna up at our church building so the kids could get (and play with) their presents. Wow! Addi got an electric Pontiac Solstice princess car. Levi got an electric train. They were so excited. We nearly had a collision with Addi's car and Lila's motionless car seat, but luckily I was able to move faster than the 5 mile per hour vehicle and save the day.

Levi was tickled with his train. When it was time to go to Aunt Patsy's house, he was upset that we had to leave it behind.

The kids are now sound asleep and Santa has been doing his magic. I know the kids will have a Merry Christmas tomorrow. I hope that all of my blog readers do as well!

Here are a few photos:

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas from the Tryggestads (Erik, Jeanie and, coming around Jan. 16, Maggie)
