Friday, August 03, 2007

Mr. Handyman

You may remember from my list of 100 things about me that I admitted that I am not a handy person. However, I took a step away from being pure ignorant and learned how to refinish our hardwood floor that was under the carpet. I had to rent a drum sander which was a new experience for me and loads of fun.

It's been a big job. Kim and the kids have been real troopers and have camped out over at Billy and Mary's for the past three days.

Here is the dining room as it dries. I'm proud of myself and I think it looks good. I'm excited to see what Kim thinks about it.

This has been some of the hardest manual labor I have done in a long time. I think it's comparable to my family's move of 1995 that we did all on our own.

Edit - Thanks for the kind remarks, but no one hire me yet. I was a little overconfident and have some detail work to do. I still think it will turn out good.


  1. I'm SO PROUD of you!! It looks great!! Now I can't wait until we can afford some new furniture to go with it!!!

  2. Very Impressive! Do you charge by the hour? :)

  3. Great job, Paul! That looks great against the wall color.

  4. That looks great! You can come to Plainview and do ours too, ha.

  5. Wow, GREAT JOB!! We're impressed!

  6. WOW IM IMPRESSED!!! We are actually trying to decide between redoing our hard woods or getting carpet. Your look GREAT...We may be calling you for "how to advise."

  7. That looks good Paul, Same here we may be calling you to help us when we are slowly doing small jobs around our house to get it more up to date..We added a rom on our own, that was fun..When you do projects like that together with your spouse you find out why so many ppl get divorced...

  8. Great job! I think that offically makes you handy!

  9. That does look really good. I know it has been a lot of hard work. Maybe you shouldn't have told anyone about your ability. Seems like everyone wants to keep you busy. :0) By the way, I heard about the politically correct game and it was hilarious. I wish I could have gone to that game.
