Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Jonah Did

Have you ever got to lead Vacation Bible School songs? They are fun, but tough to lead. You have to get your hand motions right. And since we only sing them once a year, it's harder to remember the words. Also, Sylvan Springs sings some songs a little differently than I learned.

This year is the first year I've helped lead some VBS songs. Tonight, I lead "Daniel in the Lions Den." The second verse is about a Jonah being swallowed up. Well, between verses I was trying to make sure I didn't mess up the words and was reading off my power point print-ups. That verse asks "Who did, who did, who did, who did, who did swallow Jon-Jon-Jonah?" then the next verse answers that. I paused, turned the page, and it looked like I had to look up the answer. I really do know who swallowed Jonah up! :-)

We've had a such a good VBS. Addi and Levi love it. Sunday afternoon, Addi asked if it was time to go yet and it was only 2:30!

So what's your favorite VBS song?


  1. I have to say "This Little Light of Mine" is my favotite VBS song. It just kinda sums up exactly how our Chirstian walk should be. Sometimes children's song tell it better than the "grown-up" songs!

  2. "I've Got the Joy in my Heart." I was telling Emily the other night that I got to thinking about this song this week during VBS. It brings back great memories of my mom teaching class, singing, then class, then more singing and of course snacks. Norma Tapp's Vacation Bible School Cookies. Yummo! Paul, pretty please lead this song tonight? I know you don't like me but could you pretend????

  3. AnonymousJune 09, 2007

    So judging by the title of your post- Jonah swallowed Jonah?

  4. See, I was still absent minded when I posted this. So Mr. or Ms. Anonymous, thanks for pointing that out.
