Thursday, May 17, 2007

Observations at a Softball Game

Edit 5/18: You can see some pictures on Kim's blog.

Addi's team beat the Pink Panthers again tonight. She did great! Here are some of my observations of the game:

1) A lady walks out on the field to talk to someone on the other side. She acts like its not big deal. Everyone in the crowd thinks she's loony.

2) Addi does her usual wave to the crowd before she's up to bat.

3) Addi makes it to 2nd base. The 2nd base player shows Addi how to get ready to run. The ump distracts her by telling them to get back. Addi didn't know that the ball was hit and wasn't able to run to 3rd in time before she was out. My mother in law kindly hollers out "Now that wasn't fair!"

4) Addi gets up to bat another time. She hits the plate with her bat a few times. We remind her to have the right form. In the process of straighting them out, her feet make a little pile of dirt. She looks puzzled, but takes her bat to knock it down. Then she gets ready again. She hits the plate a few times again.

5) Addi played at "the circle tonight" for a couple of hits. She successfully got the ball on one of the last hits, but didn't realize she should have ran home. She rolled it home instead, but no one was there. Did it matter? Nah. The other team scored a couple more runs, but we still clobbered them.

6) Addi did not fall down tonight. There was no crying and no band aids.

7) Addi's had her "game face" on a couple of times while in the circle.

8) Addi had a grin on her face the rest of the night. She absolutely loves softball.

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