Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Bash

Today we had a big get together over at my in-laws. We enjoyed ourselves. There was plenty of eating, swimming, and socializing going on.

The kids had fun in the pool. Addi has loosened up some and no longer has a death grip around our necks. However, she still hates going under water and she reprimanded me when I put floaties on her arms and let her swim around by herself. She said "Don't ever do that again!" Levi on the other hand was a little tadpole. He had on a life jacket and ring float and was able to swim anywhere he wanted. He had so much fun. Now he's taking a nap.

Too bad I have to return to work tomorrow. After Wednesday I'll be officially relaxed, but today helped me forget about work for several hours!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a nice and relaxing weekend! Soon it can be like that everyday! You are so lucky!
