Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I should be grading papers


  1. I completely agree. Although you didn't say it all. "I should be grading papers...but school is almost over so why bother!!!"

    I can't believe I have only 17 days left! The year actually went by pretty fast. I hope yours ends well.

    Do you ever get around to missing the students, because at this point I just want to send them home & not see them again for a long time!!

  2. You are lucky with just 17 days. I have 24.

    I miss most of my students each year. All of them still wave at me in the hall the next year!

  3. Forget the discount- give me the .29 per gallon gas!

  4. I'm waiting for someone to comment....

    "I remember when it wasn't a joke for gas to be .29. Those were to good ol' days!"
