Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Happy 9th!

Kim and I have been married for 9 years now. Wow. That's hard to believe! Kim, I love you with all my heart. I am blessed to have a wonderful Christian wife. What a happy day that was!

There are many memories I have of that day. The one memory I'd like to share now is the decorating of the car and showering of birdseed. It's all a blur now, but I remember the stinging of the birdseed and the baby doll hanging from the rear view mirror. I remember the watermelons under the tires. I remember the toilet paper everywhere and the McDonald's food smeared on the front of the car. (?)

Most of those involved have received their payback in some way. My only regret is that nothing was done at my sister Katie's wedding. I thought the best man was taking care of it, but he was too nice. They left their wedding without anything on their car. Everyday I am consumed with regret over that. Not really.

My favorite birdseed revenge was Rachel's wedding, although I wasn't responsible for the bulk of what happened. I'll let her blog about that incident one day, although you can let me know if you are interested in seeing some video clips. Just teasing, Rachel. My favorite quote of the evening regarding the events that transpired was "We just don't do that kind of thing where we're from."

Clay's wedding was kind of a let down because he didn't put up much of a fight. He practically stood there and let us throw birdseed at him.

I was satisfied after Josh's wedding, although I felt guilty since Katie suffered although she certainly didn't deserve any payback.

Daniel's wedding was good since he tried hard not get his payback. Luckily, he found a suitcase of his filled with birdseed.

And yes, we are all still friends or family.


  1. AnonymousMay 30, 2007

    I would just like to add that I only did a little bit, like a little bit of the shoe polish and toliet paper, Clay and Kim's brothers were the ones who did everything else! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Love you! Thanks for putting up with me this long!

  3. Are you SURE we are all still family and friends? I am not so positive...

  4. I'd just like to point out that my involvement was payback for my wedding a year or so earlier. So there. :)

  5. Katie, I remember seeing a picture of you with a bag that had TOILET PAPER in it. You're the instigator! (Actually, Dad was. He asked for my car key and I gave it to him).

    Tim, I don't remember it being so bad at your wedding. I think I may have thrown some birdseed, but that's all.

    Anyway, it's all birdseed under the bridge now. Ha!
