Friday, April 13, 2007


Spring Break is nearly here. Normally we have it in March, but it was moved a month back this year. The idea was to give the students one more week to get ready for ARMT and SAT-10 testing. Well, I think it backfired because everyone has needed a good break. Thank goodness it's nearly here.

We're heading to Oklahoma this afternoon. The kids did good on our Thanksgiving trip, so hopefully this one will be good. Levi did great on our trip to Nashville last week, so I think today's journey will be productive too.

We're excited about going to Oklahoma. Levi has one thing on his mind: seeing my PaPa's tractor. Addi is excited about seeing her cousins and her Grammy and PaPa.

Have a good weekend!


  1. Have fun and be safe!

  2. Have fun! I bet Levi will have fun riding Thomas again !
