Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Respect For Authority

Leviticus 19:32 says "You shall rise up before the grayheaded and honor the aged, and you shall revere your God; I am the LORD." (NASB) What has happened to respect for authority? I'm worried that one of the foundations of our society is crumbling apart (or already has). Authoriy figures are now the bad guys. Telling someone what to do is mean and unfair.

My two children don't always follow my authority right away and I know it's something they need to learn. Where does it begin? It begins with respect for God and obedience with "fear and trembling." (Phillipians 2:12). We should not question His authority, but be lovingly obedient. Secondly, we should set a good example to those under us. If you are constantly at odds with your boss or ridicule the police in front of your children, aren't you sending a mixed message? Finally, there needs to be respect. We should use words like "Yes sir" or "No sir" often. It also involves teaching a simple phrase: "I made a mistake."

I think the best example of how respect for authority is falling apart is what a saw on a T-shirt at school not too long ago "I don't do rules."

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