Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Harry Evening

Last night, Kim and I went to a Harry Connick Jr. concert downtown. She was originally going with Rachel as a Christmas present for each other, but Rachel chickened out. Actually, she had a wedding to go to. Anyway, we had a great time listening to some big band music. This band was awesome and those trumpets could wail.

Harry was great too. No only he is a great singer and pianist, but he also is hilarious. He interacted the with audience a lot. I laughed out loud when a cell phone went off and he said "Tell them I'll call them back."

I watched some clips on Youtube of him this morning. One was an interview he had with David Letterman. They were talking about parenting and he tells his philosophy of dating. Harry has three girls of his own and plans to tell the boys that date them this: "Listen, you can do anything you please with my daughters. Just realize this: whatever you do to them, I'm going to do to you." Kind of creepy, but funny too.

I have some history in Jazz music. I played throughout High School and my OC days. As you may know, I attended American High Schools in Germany. I was able to go to a jazz festival in Cologne Germany and played with Jiggs Wigham two years. Back at OC, I played in the Jazz Band for 4 and 1/2 years. My favorite memory was playing "April in Paris" in which I had to hit a high E. I remember getting dizzy and seeing stars when I squeeled that note.

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