Saturday, February 10, 2007

Ten Things I Love About My Wife (Not in any particular order!)

10)Her cooking. Chicken caserole, cabbage wedges, butter-nut cake, and her last minute creative concotions. Mmmmmmm.

9) Her smile.

8) Being a stay-at-home mother. It's a tough job, no salary, but great benefits and rewards.

7) Her willingnesss to grade papers and proofread for me.

6) Her love for God and the Church.

5) Her devotion and dedication to me and the children.

4) Her optimism when I think things seem bleak.

3) Her punctuality. I couldn't live with someone who was late.

2) The fact that she puts herself below others.

1) Her kindness.

Proverbs 31:10 "An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." (ESV)


  1. Did you do something bad? Hee-Hee, Just kidding! You do have a great wife!

  2. No, just had a good husband moment.
