Saturday, January 20, 2007

Survivor Weekend

This weekend was our "Survivor Retreat" at camp. This was the second one we've had. (Levi and I missed last year when he was sick). Anyway, Kim and I were on the planning team this year and I think it's safe to say that the weekend was a success! Everyone had a blast.

"Retreat" is probably not the best of words to call this. It was more of a mini-week of camp full of competitions based on 1st and 2nd Corinthians. We had about 50 folks come and they were all divided up into "tribes." Then, they competed in various activities involved around certain Bible verses. The relay race was pretty neat, especially the "Milk and Meat" event. Two members from a team had to eat "Treet" and drink a cup of milk. Ugh. Another part of the relay involved a huge puzzle that had to be put together.

There was also a Bible Bowl. Even though my team had our preacher on it, we came in 2nd in this competition. A couple of the younger kids did great in this event.

Kim and I came up with a "Biblical Scavenger Hunt" activity. We hid 25 sets of items around camp. Each team had to find their item, then discover the significance of the item in 1st or 2nd Corinthians. For example: 1st Corinthians 16:13 says to "Watch, stand fast in the faith...." So, we could have hidden four pair of binoculars since you "watch" with those. Or, we could have placed watches even though it wasn't the same context. Anyway, I think it was lots of fun for those who came.

So here is a challenge for you, oh blog reader. Can you complete this online Biblical Scavenger Hunt? I picked 10 from my list.

Click on these links. You will see an item. See if you can pair it up to the right verse.

Link #1 Link #2 Link #3 Link #4 Link #5
Link #6 Link #7
Link #8 Link #9 Link #10

Bible Verses 2 Cor. 5:9, 1 Cor 11:28, I Cor. 3:11, 1 Cor. 3:3, 1 Cor. 16:20, 1 Cor. 16:18, 2 Cor. 1:3, 1 Cor. 9:24, 1 Cor. 6:20, 1 Cor. 5:2 (Taken from the NKJV)

Good luck!

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