Monday, December 11, 2006

Post #295

Blogging has been light lately. I haven't had much too say, although I have plenty of pictures I should upload. Anyway, since my blog is approacing post #300 soon, I thought I'd share some interesting tidbits:

1) I typically have 20-30 unique hits per day.

2) I had nearly 1,500 hits in March this year.

3) The most common search to this blog is some kind of reference to the Proverbs 22:6 (usually just "Train up a Child.") Many people don't even come close to the verse. One surfer typed in
"Raise up a child from the way he should grow."

4) I've had some odd searches to my sight. One was "Does Taylor Hicks Have a Child?"

5) The strangest site that was linked to my blog was I'm not kidding. Someone came from there today.

6) The most unusual country that someone has seen my blog was in the United Arab Emirates. Two people have visited my blog from China.

7) My name has been googled 11 times. Who was searching for me in India?

I've enjoyed blogging. It's great stress relief. One day, I'll save it on CD or something for my children or grandchildren.

Thanks for stopping by!

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