Saturday, March 18, 2006

School News

Spring Break has begun. Freedom! Just eight weeks of school left until the summer. Then more tutoring may begin.

Next year, our school year will be five days longer. I'm not sure if five days will make a huge difference, but it does mean a pay raise. Not only will teachers in Alabama get more pay for that extra week, but also get an additional 5% raise. Can't complain about that. Read about the new legislation here.

After the break, I'm going to a meeting at the board office regarding National Certification. Besides going into administraiton, this is the next step I can take up the career ladder. I attempted to apply for a grant a couple of years ago (it costs over $2000 to apply), but I failed miserably. Now, my school system is starting a program that will pay for their own teachers to go through this. I know it won't be easy if I do go for it, but it does mean a significant pay raise.

I'm thinking about doing something different next year. I talked to my principal about possibly moving up a grade or too. It all depends on who is retiring or leaving. I've taught 3rd grade for almost 7 years now. One year when I taught in Oakland, TN, I taught 5th/6th grade Reading.

One last thing, do you remember recess? Since I've been a teacher, I haven't been in a system that allows recess. In Alabama, state law requires 30 minutes of P.E. daily. In Tennesse, my school only had P.E. once a week for 50 minutes. Our school system may bring back recess. I like that idea, even it means a little longer school day.

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